Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 93

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 93

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 93

Cultural capital embodied in Beyhaqi history

Yousef Kafili Sinab , Ali Dehghan (Author in Charge), Saeed Farzaneh Fard


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The present article is carried out with the aim of measuring the components of embodied cultural capital in the book of Beyhaqi"s history. The concept of cultural capital is considered as a resource that individuals, groups and societies use to achieve desired results; Therefore, cultural capital is a set of beliefs, information, privileges, and the like that every person needs in order to be a member of a class of society. According to Pierre Bourdieu"s point of view, cultural capital can be examined in three areas: subjective or embodied, objective, and institutional. The meaning of tangible cultural capital is that type of acquired information that is internalized in the form of stable desires of the organism and is classified as one"s abilities.

METHODOLOGY: This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and practical in terms of purpose, which library and internet sources including books and articles, theses and dissertations have been used to complete the theoretical foundations. The scope and society under study includes the book Beyhaqi"s history by Khalil Khatib Rahbar, published by Mehtab (2004).

FINDINGS: Based on the findings of this research, the cultural attitudes in the book of Beyhaghi history can be classified under three main sections, which include political, religious and moral attitudes.

CONCLUSION: In the political field, emphasis should be placed on prudence and avoiding unwiseness and consultation on various issues of the country; In the religious field, observing the practical rituals of Islam such as praying, giving alms, reading the Qur"an, believing in God"s judgment and destiny, and trusting in self-knowledge; And in the moral and educational part, themes such as forgiveness and trustworthiness, self-control, wisdom and kindness, study, avoiding misbehavior, greed, lying, backbiting, informant and gossip and things of this type can be observed.

Cultural capital , embodied , cultural attitudes , Abolfazl Beyhaqi , Beyhaqi history.

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